Following proper etiquette when mailing out wedding response cards, also called RSVP cards, along with the invitations adds dignity to the special occasion. Proper etiquette covers things such as wording and timing.
- The wedding RSVP card allows guests to mail back their response. It is used only for weddings or receptions that require a head count.
- RSVP cards measure 5 inches by 3.5 inches, the smallest size card the postal service accepts.
Wording Etiquette
- As only those listed on the inside and outside envelopes are invited, RSVP cards do not have a line asking for how many people will be attending. An example of formal response wording is as follows:
M ___ (The underline after the "M" must be long enough for the guest to write his or her full name, including "Mr.," "Mrs." or "Ms." If a number of doctors are invited, the "M" is omitted.)
Saturday the twenty-eighth of August
The Country Club
Informal response wording may simply give an option for attending and another for not attending. Some response cards may also include a place for guests to choose among dinner choices.
Return Envelope Etiquette
- Wedding RSVP cards should be self-addressed and pre-stamped so guests can simply write their answer and mail it back. Guests should not be expected to provide the postage themselves.
Timing Etiquette
- RSVP cards are sent with the wedding invitations at least six weeks prior to the big day with an RSVP date two weeks prior to the big day. This is to give guests enough time to decide their plans while allowing the bride and groom time to finalize the number of attendees just before the wedding.
Wedding RSVPs The Etiquette of Response Cards, and Response ...
Wondering how to get guests to RSVP to your wedding? The common way to do so is to include a response card or reply card with your invitation. Here's advice as to ... -
The Time Etiquette for a Wedding RSVP eHow
www.ehow.com Wedding Planning Etiquette for Weddings
When sending out wedding invitations, many brides and grooms are unsure of the time they should allow for guests to respond. By following a few simple guidelines you ... -
Etiquette for a Wedding RSVP eHow - eHow How to Videos ...
www.ehow.com Wedding Planning Etiquette for Weddings
According to the Emily Post Institute, as an invited wedding guest, you have the obligation to respond immediately to a wedding invitation. The term RSVP is an ... -
Rsvp Card Samples, Response Card Samples, Response Card Etiquette
Rsvp Card Samples at Wedding Paper Divas. Your source for response card samples and response card etiquette. -
RSVP Etiquette
Learn the proper etiquette for responding to an invitation. ... RSVP, the abbreviation for the French phrase respondez sil vous plait, means please respond. -
RSVP Card with Menu Options Weddings, Etiquette and Advice ...
Ladies, I need your help with wording on the RSVP cards. The main option is filet with chicken and for kids there is chicken fingers with french fries. How do I let ... -
When RSVP-ing to a Wedding Invite, what is the correct etiquette ...
uk.answers.yahoo.com Engagements & Weddings
3/7/2007 Best Answer: First of all it seems from the answers you are receiving a lot depends on the country you live in. Many are mentioning RSVP cards included ... -
How to Fill Out A Wedding RSVP Card - Online Wedding Planner ...
Do you need to know how to fill out a wedding RSVP card? Make sure you use proper etiquette before you put it in the mail. -
Top Wedding Questions - Everything about your ceremony, the ...
Contains wedding etiquette advice given in a forum style website. -
RSVP RVSP Cards, Wedding, Events, Cruises, Etiquette, Meaning
Whether you request an RSVP or include requests for no regrets, wedding and special events often require a response. Learn the etiquette. -
Rsvp Card, Response Card Wording
Response Card Etiquette. Response card etiquette has evolved over the years and it will continue to do so. Women, historically the social secretaries of their ... -
Wedding Tips & Advice : How to Reply to an RSVP for a Wedding ...
Replying to a wedding RSVP is expected, whether the guest will or will not be able to attend. Fill in the total number of guests attending before mailing ... -
Etiquette and Sample Verses for Christmas Cards, Valentine's Day ...
Etiquette and sample verses from Tiny Prints. Premier online provider of Christmas cards, birth announcements, Valentine's Day cards, thank you cards and baby stationery. -
Wedding RSVP Cards
Find out everything you need to know about creating and addressing RSVP cards for your wedding from TheKnot.com. -
What is the etiquette on how to write out place cards for guests ...
We have quite a few guests that are an entire family, some single, some are couples, mother & daughter, etc. For example, my cousin is a guest and her two college ... -
RSVP Etiquette
RSVP etiquette serves a very important function to the individuals sending an invitation; it tells them for how many attendees to plan. -
Wedding Gift Thank You Card Etiquette - About.com Etiquette
Learn the proper etiquette for sending thank you cards for wedding gifts. -
Wedding Invitations: Etiquette Q&A - Invitations & Stationery ...
Your wedding invitations can leave you bewildered, here's a wedding invitation etiquette guide to help you take control. -
Wedding RSVP & Wedding Response Cards PaperStyle
Show Now to Get Elegant Wedding Response Cards For Your Guests to RSVP. Most Ship and Print the Same Day. PaperStyle offers Free Shipping on Orders $99+. -
RSVP Card Insight & Etiquette - Every Last Detail
Today were continuing ELDs Stationery Week with a post all about RSVPs from Alicia of A&P Designs! From the general format of the RSVP card and what you should ...
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