There are many things that you must deal with during divorce proceedings, and the return or division of wedding gifts may not be high on your list of priorities. However, when little time has passed between the wedding and divorce, it is necessary to decide what to do with the wedding gifts you received. Whom the gifts came from and their value are particular considerations that will determine what happens to the gifts.
- According to Merriam-Webster, a gift is "something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation." Etiquette decrees that offering to return gifts is honorable and appropriate under certain circumstances, such as a short lived marriage. However, etiquette is not definitive, and your own moral standards may not lead you to think returning the gifts is necessary.
- If the marriage has been short in length, for example, less than one year, it would be appropriate etiquette to offer the gifts back to the people who gave them. A brief but sincere note stating that the marriage has ended and that you understand that the giver may want their gift returned will suffice. The giver can then contact you to arrange a return if she wants to. Chances are that the gift givers will feel sad about the breakdown of the marriage and will not want the gifts back. In which case, you can do with them what you please.
- If your marriage has lasted longer than one year, it would be acceptable to divide the gifts between you and your spouse. It would be reasonable to expect that the gifts given to you by your family and friends stay with you and that gifts given by your spouse's family and friends go to him. Hopefully, you will be on good enough terms to determine who should keep gifts given by mutual friends. If there is a lot of gifts, divide them as equally as possible in terms of value and their usefulness to you both.
- If your divorce is acrimonious and there is no chance of reasonably agreeing on distribution of the gifts, how you divide them will legally depend on where you live. Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin are community property states. This means that all assets, including gifts, are generally divided equally. In all other states, which are equitable distribution states, assets are divided in an equitable manner, considering such factors as the length of the marriage, child custody and income of each spouse.
Wedding Etiquette: Rules for a Modern Wedding - iVillage
Those antiquated 50s books on wedding etiquette never saw the 2013 wedding landscape coming. Whose family, for example, pays for a same-sex couples wedding ... -
Etiquette on Wedding Gifts eHow - eHow How to Videos, Articles ...
www.ehow.com Weddings Weddings & Gifts Wedding Gifts
When it comes to wedding gifts and the etiquette surrounding them, the hard and fast rules of tradition have been altered thanks to registries, gift cards and general ... -
Etiquette Wedding Planning, Advice & Etiquette
Your complete wedding planning guide. Find wedding photographers, wedding reception facilities, wedding ceremony sites, wedding cakes, wedding dresses, and more! -
Wedding Vow Renewal Gift Etiquette eHow
www.ehow.com Weddings Weddings & Gifts Wedding Gifts
Wedding Vow Renewal Gift Etiquette. In this day of high divorce rates, some couples are choosing to renew their vows as often as yearly, as a reminder to themselves ... -
Guide to Proper Wedding Gift Etiquette - About.com Etiquette
Follow some basic rules on wedding gift etiquette, including how much to spend, where to send the gifts, and what to expect in the event of a breakup. -
A Wedding Anniversary Guide History, Themes, Gifts & Etiquette
Above all, any wedding anniversary celebration is a celebration of a couples love for one another and can be as large or small, formal or informal and private or ... -
Kim Kardashian Gets To Keep The Ring But Should Return The Wedding ...
10/31/2011 Newly-wed and soon-to-be-divorced Kim Kardashian probably hasnt even had time to open the hundreds of wedding presents that she and Kris Humphries were ... -
Wedding Etiquette: How Do You Ask For Cash Instead Of Gifts?
3/22/2013 In 2012, as many as 70 percent of couples lived together before they got married, compared to 10 percent in 1960. Clearly, times have changed! For couples ... -
Should Kim Kardashian return her wedding gifts? Etiquette experts ...
Should Kim Kardashian return her wedding gifts? Etiquette experts say absolutely Cash and merchandise should be given back or donated -
Wedding Invitation Wording - Etiquette Examples for Traditional ...
Once upon a time, there wasn't much variation in wedding invitations. Since the bride's parents were paying for everything, wedding invitations always read that they ... -
20-40-60 Etiquette: Celebrating a wedding for a first-time bride ...
QUESTION: My adult daughter is engaged to marry an old friend from high school. This will be her first marriage, but he was married briefly before. My daughter would ... -
Etiquette - Breanna's Main Page
The proper etiquette for informing friends and guests about your registry is to ask your bridesmaids, mothers and relatives to spread the word. -
Wedding Rehearsals Etiquette - Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Speech
wedding.theknot.com Budget Weddings Invitations + Stationery
Thenot.com explains the proper etiquitte for your wedding rehearsal. Find out the rules for a wedding rehearsal dinner speech, who to invite to the rehearsal and more. -
Wedding Invitation Wording Wedding Invitation Etiquette
Wedding Invitation Etiquette is a big word for the rules of social conduct that our society considers to be appropriate -
Emily Post's Wedding Etiquette by Peggy Post 9780060745042 ...
The classic indispensable, comprehensive guide to creating the wedding of your dreams. Today's weddings are more complicated than ever, with new traditions replacing ... -
Wedding Guest Etiquette - Wedding Guest Attire - Wedding Guest Advice
wedding.theknot.com Wedding Planning
Wedding Guest Etiquette - Learn proper wedding guest etiquette and wedding guest attire on TheKnot.com. Attending a wedding? Get the best wedding guest advice and help. -
Opening gifts after the wedding Weddings, Newlyweds and ...
My future mother-in-law wants my fiance & me to host a small party after we get back from our honeymoon to open our gifts. She says this is pretty standard, that ... -
Wedding Etiquette: Dilemmas In The 21st century
4/15/2013 (Jo Bryant is an etiquette advisor and editor at Debrett's, the UK authority on etiquette and modern manners (www.debretts.com). Any opinions expressed are ... -
Wedding Invitation Etiquette
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