- It is common tradition for both the mothers of the bride and the groom to tailor their outfits according to the bride's wishes. Sometimes they are coordinated with the wedding colors of the attendants. The bride and groom should decide if the stepmother is to be considered when planning what the mothers will wear. This is usually based on the relationship the stepmother has with her stepchild.
The stepmother should not attempt to outshine either the mother of the bride or the mother of the groom in her choice of clothing.
- Who sits where at the wedding can cause a problem, if all the family isn't on friendly terms with the stepmother. Etiquette dictates that the mother of the bride or groom should be seated in the front row on the designated side of the church with her spouse. The father and stepmother should be seated in the row just behind the mother.
The reception can become trickier, since the guests are expected to be conversational while dining, unlike the wedding ceremony, where guests simply sit and watch. If there is a head table that includes the parents, the seating arrangements should be dictated by the bride and groom, and it is expected that everyone will cordially heed their wishes.
If all parties are on speaking terms, the stepmother may be included at the head table. This eliminates the scenario of the father sitting without his spouse, as well as the possibility of hurt feelings.
Another alternative is to seat each set of parents at separate tables, and to limit the head table to just the bride and groom and their attendants.
- The bride and groom should decide whether or not to include the stepmother in the wedding photos. If all parties involved are friendly, it will be perfectly natural to have her take part in the photos. If relations are particularly strained, arrange for a photographer's assistant to discreetly request certain people to appear for certain photos as they are taken. This makes the entire process less exclusive, and isn't so obvious as to who is and isn't included in the photos.
Remember that it might mean a great deal to the father of either the bride or the groom to have a professional shot taken with the happy couple as well as his own spouse.
Wedding Etiquette - Etiquette at Weddings - Wedding Manners
It's important to understand wedding etiquette when planning your wedding. WeddingChannel.com discusses proper bridal shower etiquette, wedding etiquette and more. -
Wedding Etiquette for a Stepmother eHow
www.ehow.com Wedding Planning Etiquette for Weddings
When planning a wedding, including the ceremony and the reception, the scenario becomes a bit more complicated when either the bride or groom's father has remarried ... -
Top Wedding Questions - Everything about your ceremony, the ...
Contains wedding etiquette advice given in a forum style website. -
Wedaholic.com: The Etiquette Of Asking For Cash Wedding Gifts
I received this question from a bride-to-be regarding the etiquette of how to ask for cash wedding gifts. "I was actually wondering if there was a nice way to ask for ... -
Wedding Ring Etiquette for a Widow eHow
www.ehow.com Weddings Wedding Fashion Bridal Jewelry
In western culture, the wedding ring symbolizes a commitment to one's spouse. When a woman loses her spouse, the wedding ring can serve as a reminder of the ... -
Bliss! Weddings - Wedding Planning, Wedding Etiquette, Bridal ...
For wedding planning enthusiasts, Bliss! Weddings is a valuable wedding planning resource with bridal guides, articles for the bride and bridesmaid, wedding etiquette ... -
Wedding Etiquette - Welcome to OurMarriage.com
Wedding planning advice to make your special day perfect. Find unique wedding ideas, wedding etiquette, wedding customs and traditions, bridal gown shopping tips ... -
Wedding Etiquette - Wedding Invitation Etiquette - Wedding Gift ...
Wedding Etiquette - Learn the ins and outs of wedding invitation and gift etiquette online at The Knot. -
Stepmother Wedding Etiquette - Life123 - Articles and Answers ...
Stepmother wedding etiquette is particularly tricky, especially when the child has a close relationship with both the mother and the stepmother by remarriage. -
Stepmother Wedding Etiquette - Proper Wedding Etiquette For ...
6/19/2008 Dealing with stepmothers can be a difficult situation. A lot depends on how the stepmother and biological mother get along. If the two mothers get along ... -
Wedding Etiquette Tips for Brides: Engagement Wedding Etiquette ...
Wedding Etiquette Wedding Etiquette Tips for Brides: Engagement Our experts share can't miss tips for brides and weigh in on tricky, frequently asked engagement ... -
Q&A: Are there guest style guidelines for wedding attire ...
Q&A: Are there guest style guidelines for wedding attire? - Find out if there are any style guidelines for guest wedding attire. Get more expert wedding etiquette ... -
Wedding etiquette for stepmothers - by Linda Ann Nickerson - Helium
www.helium.com Weddings Wedding Party & Guests
Wedding How-Tos for Stepmoms Stepmothers have received a bad rap for generations. Blame it on the Brothers Grimm, if you will. In any case, we hav..., Linda Ann Nickerson -
Proper Etiquette for a Traditional Receiving Line American ...
Attendants should know the proper etiquette for a traditional receiving line. -
Wedding guest etiquette 101: What to wear for a evening wedding ...
6/22/2011 Wedding guest etiquette 101: What to wear for a evening wedding, part 2 (Photos) -
Wedding Expense Etiquette- Who pays for what?
weddingconsultant.hubpages.com Weddings and Wedding Planning
There is no denying that today's weddings are expensive. The average cost of a wedding in the US is around $25,000-30,000! When bringing up a discussion about who ... -
Crane and Co. Wedding Etiquette for Invitations
A line by line guide for wedding invitations by Crane and Co. -
Wedding etiquette: Choosing creative food on a budget for you ...
4/19/2012 Wedding etiquette: Choosing creative food on a budget for you wedding reception (Photos) -
Wedding Etiquette and Tips - Writing and Delivering a Wedding ...
Free Wedding Toasts and Speeches - Absolutely Free Wedding Toasts and Speech Samples, Wedding Toast Etiquette Tips, Wedding Jokes and Humor, Famous Marriage Quotes ...
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